We may be in store for yet another Tuscan themed apartment building in City West.  The “Under Development,” section of G.H. Palmer Associates’ website was recently updated to include a 9.6 acre property at 1000 W. Temple Street.  The website currently provides no information on the number of units planned or a completion date. Geoffrey Palmer has become one of the most prolific developers of residential units in Downtown Los Angeles over the past decade, but has received much criticism in the process.  In 2004, he plead no contest when charged with illegally demolishing a 19th century Victorian Home to make way for the Orsini apartments.  He successfully fought Los Angeles’ affordable housing mandate in court between 2007 and 2009.  Other Downtown stakeholders have also shown wariness over the signature “Faux Italian,” architecture of Palmer’s developments. On a lighter note, how much freeway adjacent land does Geoff Palmer plan to buy in Downtown LA?  By my count, this brings his running total to seven properties.